There is a lot of missing info. Type of bow, bowstring material, length of arrow, strike plate position, etc.
If the bow is a recurve, if the bow has a B50 dacron bowstring, if the arrow is fletched with 3, 5" feathers, if the BOP (back of point) arrow is 30 1/2" long, if the strike plate position is at "0" and if you want to try an aluminum might want to try an Easton Camo Hunter 2215 arrow with a 145 grain point weight. It'll give you a 535 grain arrow with the arrow having a GPP (grains per pound) of around 10.90 with an FOC of 13.6%. I'd be guessing on speed, but it should be around 170 fps.
Fine tune by lowering or raising the brace height depending on where your brace height is initially set.
Thought I would add a little more by substituting a 12 strand fast flight bowstring and keeping everything else the same with the regards to the 2215 arrow as long as the bow can handle a fast flight bowstring.
You could then use a 125 grain point weight which means you'd be shooting a 515 grain arrow with a GPP (grains per pound) of around 10.50 with an FOC of 12.1%, but the speed would go up to around 180 fps.