Haha, I think Dan has it right, a good check-list is invaluable. I save mine from year to year and add or subtract what I need. Just a bit of advice first....... your comfort is the most important thing, take the little things. Most of us can figure out the gear, clothes, boots, etc. stuff but forget the things that make us comfortable day to day or hour by hour.
For me, some of those are - ear plugs, tums, any meds or pain relievers, your own pillow, extra mattress for your cot, slippers, sweat suit, if you drink coffee take your own cup/mug. A collapsable chair, several head lamps - they are better than flashlights. Alarm clock, books. Baby wipes and diaper rash cream. Mole skin has saved several people on several trips.
If you can get them from your doctor, get a supply of antibiotics for infections - I had some amoxicilin a few years ago for a tooth problem and it kept a buddy out of the hospital when he jammed a pine twig into his palm and it got infected.