The newest issue of "The Walk In The Woods", Compton Traditional Bowhunters quarterly newsletter, is at the printers and hopefully will be in members hands shortly.
Before the newest issue is even in your hands, we are already looking forward to the next one. The deadline for material submissions for the fall issue is July 15th.
We really would like to make this a member focused magazine. If you have stories to share please consider submitting them for inclusion in the next issue of the magazine. Hunting stories, how to's, promoting traditional archery, all would make great topics for the magazine.
Here is your chance to become a bowhunting writer! Don't worry that you weren't an english major. Our editorial committee will be happy to help to revise and edit your submission if needed. All we need from you is your story!
Submit Articles and Photographs to:
Jim Shanks
Editorial Office — A Walk in the Woods
240 Red Rim Drive
Grand Junction, CO 81507
Phone (970) 201-1340