Hey everyone, hope your having a great day.
I just got a pack of fluflus from 3rivers (EXCELLENT website by the way) And have been shooting for 2 days straight
But at 10 yards, I STILL am having trouble keeping them within the 12" target!
Which is TERRIBLE, I know.
Here's the thing, when I shoot a childs longbow, I hit more accurately then when I use my 55lb recurve!
And I have a 31 draw, so I am short drawing quite a bit, but I'm still hitting more accurately.
So here is my theory.
1, I think the bow I have now is too much weight for me. I got the bow 45 @28, but that's when I was 13. Back then I didn't realize that when I over draw, it adds more poundage.
I know your supposed to be able to hold the string back for about 15 seconds without shaking, but I can't.
2, I grew up shooting little self bows that I made. They were nothing special, just sticks I found and would put a string on it. But I'm not used to shooting a bow from the center. I'm used to having to aim a bit to the right when I shoot. But my recurves shelf is right in the center.
3, my bow is 60" which I am told is far too short for my draw length.
So, what do you think? Am I on the right track?
Oh, I also am using a slice of a leather belt as my shooting tab lol.
Anyways, thank you very much for your opinions.