Yesterday my buddy Caleb & I went to see what the Ben Pearson memorial 3D shoot was all about. Neither of us have gone to this shoot so it was all new to us. I was thrilled to see all the traditional shooters walking around.
I went to the practice range to loosen up a bit. This being my 4th time at a 3d shoot still had me a bit nervous. There was a man with his two children shooting next to me. Both children were shooting Pearson Collegions and I thought to myself how nice considering it was a memorial shoot for Mr Pearson.
When we got ready to start names for groups were called and wouldn't you know it Caleb and I would be shooting with Jeff his daughter Gabriel and son Alex.
As we walked to the 1st target I asked Jeff if he had ever been on TG? He told me that he was a member here and asked what my name was on the site. When I told him he said he knew who I was and was happy to meet me. The feeling was mutual.
We all took to each other like we had been friends for a long time. I really enjoyed meeting amd shooting with these fine folks and as TG members I wasn't suprised to find out how nice they are.
(L to R) Me, Jeff, Alex, Caleb & Gabriel.