The wax on the tennon (lower portion of the TD system) makes up for any tollerance and aids in dissasembly. Any wiggle without wax is minute and would never be noticed while strung. How much does the conexion or jacknife move when unstrung? Yet they don't move at all when strung.
The fiberglass sleave system will allow for many grip options but won't add a measureable amount of weight and is absolutely undetectable when strung and not likely to be detectable when un strung.
Yes many other TD systems will do the job, but none is as strong.
I wish that I could say that I designed the fiberglass socket system, but that would be far from the truth. I did however have the choice of all the available TD systems when I was deciding which to use for my bows. I had no dificulty in deciding to use the socket as I feel it is the best of several good systems.
thanks, bigjim