Overall I have made tremendous progress in this self imposed challenge of mastering the shooting of the classic straight limbed American longbow.(IMHO)
But I have not done it alone by any stretch of my imagination.
I had the help of several folks, Tony Van Dort, Spanky Neal, and Nate Steen of Sunset Hills. I am most grateful to each of them for their input and critiques of my form.
As you folks know I have been making myself some videos for training purposes. These I have been sharing with my team of trainers and listening closely to the feedback then applying it as consistently as possible.
Just when I think that it is all coming together something was pointed out to me that I wasn't aware was happening. I went back and reviewed the videos and there is was as plain as day.
Just prior to release my arrow would creep ever so slightly forward(maybe a quarter of an inch)
I study that danged video until I was almost sick of watching it, trying to figure out the cause. All to my frustration...lol
Well today I was just making a friendly call to Nate just to see how things were going for him and the subject came up because it isn't something that is ever very far from the front of my thinking.
Nate was able to give me the answer immediately and I have to say he was "spot on". Thank you Nate!
Apparently I was releasing my back tension before I was releasing the arrow and only by milliseconds.
I had a young man over for some shooting this afternoon and was able to put it to the test.
1st I shot as I always had and Josh verified that the creep was there. Then I changed over to keeping up my "push" on my bow hand all the way with the arrow to the target and... Voowalla!! no creep whatsoever.. Wohoo!
My accuracy wasn't what it was before but I'm not worried about that at the moment as I am fairly confident that it will come back once this becomes second nature to me.
My whole point to this is dual fold. One our shooting problems can be very tiny and even more difficult to figure out(alone).
Point two, we aren't in this alone and need to be willing to ask for and accept help from others.
This is the very best place to find that kind of assistance and develop some very close friendships.
Thank you Tony, Spanky and Nate! I appreciate your assistance and more importantly your friendship.
I hope to get the pleasure of meeting face to face someday.
God bless,Mudd