A couple things. We've got to be careful NOT to paint with a broad brush when we address the magazine industry as it pertains to bowhunting. (I've got to admit I'm guilty of this when it comes to TV, but that's a different story).
First, as of now, Bowhunter Magazine continues to hold the line against crossbows in their magazine. Some of the above posts made it sound like BHM has followed the others in that direction. They have not. That alone is reason enough I think we all should support them. Some of you have stated that they are pushing crossbows. That's factually inaccurate.
Second, Bowhunter Magazine has had the two special Stickbow sections for a number of years now. So this isn't just something new. And they've frequently published articles from some of us trad writers in issues/locations other than the stickbow sections.
Third, I DO think that part of BHM's policy is very much due to a respect toward trad bowhunters and writers from past editors M.R. James and Dwight Schuh. You may remember that when Dwight had major shoulder issues, he shot with his teeth. I suspect new Editor, Curt Wells, will have the same respect.
Fourth, I just grabbed two handy Bowhunter Magazine issues and found ZERO advertisments for male enhancement or Dr. Wynifred Cutler's pheromones or anything else like that. I don't recall ever seeing them in BHM. I could be wrong. We see them everywhere else--especially F&S, OL, SA, etc. I see them in NRA all the time, and most of the other magazines which is why (that and the crossbow explosion) I've not re-upped my subscriptions to any of the others besides BHM, TBM, PBS. When the others run out, they're done.
I am privy to some knowledge that under management changes over the years, BHM was somewhat forced to take ads for ATVs, etc. These magazines still have to pay the bills, but I know that this wasn't what the editors wanted at the time. The most non-bowhunting ad I saw in the BHM I looked at was for a brush-hog type tiller which I suppose goes toward the food plot crowd.
In sum, I really like BHM. I think they are the one mainstream bowhunting magazine in this day and age that deserves my support. Don't confuse BHM with the half-dozen others that are peddling crossbows and the like.