Absolutely, completely, and extremely logically correct, Ramin.
The ONE thing I get SO tired of hearing is that "lighter arrows are *more accurate*..."
Whatever one wishes to call our "instinctive" shooting abilities, I have tried yet failed miserably to get through to many is that "yardage"..."trajectory"...."speed" are all totally ignorable factors with adequate practice.
Like a quarterback zeroing on a downfield reciever or an outfielder eyeballing home plate it all becomes automatic and , at least for me, making it more complicated than that by attempting to "judge" things only throws it all in the crapper.
The single factors needed are only to concentrate on the "spot" and go through motions that become automated themselves, time and time again.......and it all WILL come together.
Regardless if the trajectory is 4 inches or 4 feet, if the arrow hits the intended spot repeatedly.......THAT is "accurate" by definition.
So many I have discussed this with "think" (wont say much on that LOL) that they will "lose" accuracy due to the trajectory and as you have correctly stated, they would NOTICE such if switching back and forth yet in very little time that will no longer be noticable nor will hunting yardage be lost sticking to truely heavy arrows.
Pardon an old fart for being "wordy" but this is a life long subject I have attempted to hammer into many over the decades yet since it is not "measurable" and isnt spouted within advertisements.........they feel it cannot possibly be true even after helping drag deer after deer out of the woods with me and seeing the shots successfully taken.
Im no wizard of the traditional bow and not a targer archer of any kind but DO feel it is the growth of the longer range 3D shots that have spawned the supposed "need" for *faster* and *lighter*.
Target archery and bowhunting are like a bull and a calf........both chase Momma cow but for completely different reasons.
Neither is right for all and neither is wrong for all but the truly heavy hunting shaft has no close competer when it comes to quiet penetrating stability.
Most say my arrows are "rediculously heavy" and that is acceptable to me.......I just know that I fear NO angle of shot hunting deer other than the full rear "texas heart shot" and know my arrow WILL get to the boiler room through pure momentum.........even out of low 40s lb bows.
I AM SO DING DANGED EXCITED about getting a couple Sweetlands to hunt with Im flat out giddy!!!
They WILL have some competition from my current arrows but hunting with some Sweetlands and heavy heads will "make" my season......or seasons just that much more "oh so dang neat!"
God Bless and thanks. It's been interesting reading!