I am thinking about an idea that has been festering in my mind for quite a while. This will be long so if you are looking for reading material get your coffee and popcorn and read on.
There is much discussion about and help given in this and the "Shooter's Forum" about shooting problems and techniques; questions about finding a coach/instructor, equipment tuning, etc. Currently the only game in town is the certification program offered by USA Archery (Formerly known as NAA). That certification program used to be labeled as level 1,2,3 and so on. It is now Basic & intermediate instructor; Community, Regional and Elite coach. These changes are due to the fact that the USA Archery organization is the national governing body for archery and the USA Archery head coach KiSik Lee was hired specifically to get the USA back on the podium in international events and the Olympics so their total concentration at this time is target. By the way, they have been very successful in this -- setting many new national and world records recently. So the system does really work!
There are many WELL respected traditional instructors out there, Ferguson, Jenkins, Asbell, Welch come to mind and there are MANY others. I have been to many of their classes but not all. They all have their own techniques and styles and they are all good! Frankly though, there is little standardization between them and their credentials are that they are very successful hunters, exhibition shooters and multi-level champions not necessarily trained instructors (I don't really know if they have actual instructor training though that's not a show stopper). That is in NO WAY meant to criticize what they do or how good they are!! They are too few! I feel that we need many more instructors out there that are trained so new comers to the sport don't have the same learning curve (trial and error, mostly error) that we had. I would add too that it DOES NOT TAKE A tournament champion to make a good instructor. In fact, there are many good instructors that have never won anything. Many times good instructors are those that have struggled with their shooting since they are familiar with the challenge that most of us face. Those that can win tournaments are really good but that in-born talent sometimes doesn't give them the perspective of a student struggling with a concept.
I also know and accept that there are many here in the traditional community that see target style archery as some other game and to an extent, it is. I will say though that the BEST (Biomechanically Efficient Shooting Technique) system IS a very good form system that teaches REALLY good and efficient use of the upper body for the archery shot. (Please get over the image of the target archer standing stiffly on the line) I'm talking about how the hands, arms and shoulders are used to get absolute consistency regardless of your stance or positioning.
I also know from first hand experience that the training given in USA Archery's training courses IS VERY target oriented. BUT, the form taught is VERY good! As I said, I have been through this training to get the form knowledge but then I modify it to an extent to make it practical for our style of shooting. I even say on my card that I "specialize in traditional archery.
Folks (those that are still with me after going the long way around the barn), here are my questions:
1. How many of you out there have some kind of instructor/coach credential (NASP, USA Archery, other)?
2. How many of you know anyone that is, in your opinion, someone that shows great potential to rise to the heights but don't know what to do for or with them?
3A. If there was a certification program out there somewhere that wasn't JUST Olympic style target archery but one that gave you the tools to actually help new or existing shooters to shoot better, would you consider taking the training?
3B. Would you take the training if you thought it would help you shoot better?
4. If USA Archery were to offer a parallel coach's certification that gave you the form and equipment knowledge to feel comfortable helping any archer not just Olympic wannabes (but including them), would you be interested?
I am going to "suck it up" and take the Regional Coach's course later this year and frankly "suffer" through the competition/target part of it just to increase my knowledge/competence as a coach. But all the time in the class I will be thinking about how this all applies to our part of the sport and how I can modify what I learn to a more free flowing traditional style.
In this class, I really want to try to present to the "powers that be" a proposal that will perhaps create that parallel coaching track I mentioned earlier. One of the TOP USA Archery Elite coaches I talked to recently said that they were relying on instructors and coaches in the field to refer potential archers to them for further training. Not only would this idea put more good instructors out there for us but would expand the number of eyes to identify the next Gold Medal candidates for the USA. I see this as a win win situation.
Thank you for staying with this (if you did) and I would appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have; either here or by PM.
PS. I AM asking all this for ME, NOT USA Archery or anyone else!!!!!!