I'm finally home. Got stuck at the Wilmington airport for 3 extra hours due to storms in Atlanta.
Folks let me tell you how effective Bernie's rainmakers actually are. After leaving his house I asked my dad if I should activate the rainmaker? He replied it might be a better idea if we waited until we were out of city limits. Once we left town I got the ok and I did 2 cycles on the rainmaker.
No rain in two months so I really wasn't exspecting much. I was suprised when the sun went away and clouds began to gather. The sky got darker and darker. I figured I might not want to cycle the rainmaker again until we were safely at home and had a boat handy.
Once we got home I had the family gather around as I explained how the rainmaker worked and told the story of how it produced instant clouds in the drought stricken NC coastal plains. Everyone watched in amusment as I turned the rainmaker end over end several times. They stopped laughing that evening as we had a real thunder boomer roll in. The first drop of any rain in two months and all because of the rainmaker.
During the week my family wanted me to shake it some more to help put out the forrest fire ragging on the Holly Shelter game lands just up the road from us. Assuming the previous storms was coincedence I used the rainmaker once again.Not only did it rain but we also had winds over 70 mph!
I have to admit I was kind of afraid flash floods might be worse than the fires. After weighing the risks I gave it a few flips the morning before leaving and that's how I ended up stuck at the airport for 3 extra hours.
It was great meeting you Bernie and I'm glad my Father was along for the ride. His interest in trad was sparked so Caleb taught dad how to shoot the long bow he had brought to bowfish with.
When we left Caleb left his longbow for him to practice with. He is a complete newbie but I told him you were right up the road and maybe you can help him since I'm way over here in Arkansas.
We had some good stingray hunting so I need to get to work on the story. Should be posted soon here on powwow.