Having your own personal high level of personal confidence is a great place to be parked.
With well tuned shafts, sharp BH's and good shot placement, virtually all set-ups will work.
Do some adequate testing yourself to satisfy your curiousity.
Note: Typically there should be little if any discernable drop at 20 yards with a 75 gn increase at 20 yards with a 50# range bow if the arrow has been tuned properly.
We may be motivated for different reasons. My most recent motivation drove me to reduce my 400 gn - upfront 615 gn...32% Ultra-EFOC arrows...since I could not continually afford to replace targets. This set-up out of a 51# bow ate thru a Rhinehart BH target in less than a month, starting passing thru a new Eagle layer target in 3 weeks and has been quite abusive on my Morrell Outdoor range.