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Author Topic: Thermacell lantern update...Traded in for a handheld device  (Read 1106 times)

Offline Mike Vines

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During our camping/chipmunk hunting expedition, Steve O. came out with his wonderful family for an evening of talking about bowhunting and grilled delights.

 I did a real world test between the Thermacell lantern and the Thermacell handheld device last night.

  Steve O. got his handheld device going next to his wife and my wife was next to her and also downwind of the handheld device, so I took the opportunity to get out my lantern and set it next to me.

  Well, I never said anything to anybody (believe me, this is probably the first and only time you will ever hear that muttered from my mouth) I just keep watching for a couple hours.  

First off, Steve O's son and wife were fighting over who got to sit nearest to the handheld device (take a guess who won), and nobody wanted to be near the lantern.  I just took it as I had been camping for a few days, and ripeness was setting in.

Then as sitting around the fire, I also noticed the smoke that was coming out of the handheld device, and very rarely did I see any smoke coming from the lantern.  Yes the lantern was lit, and the mat turned from blue to white, so I know it should have been working, but I kept having to swat at skeeters, but the whole time the ladies never once smacked at a bug, and neither of them commented about the little bit of smoke that came from the handheld device.

Honestly I was kind of surprised to see the handheld device outperforming the lantern, but like I said, I kept mum. Well, the evening had come to an end, and the O's had to get going home to see if power had been restored, so we said our goodbyes with extreamly full bellies.  My family sat around the fire, and as the brakelights faded into the wilderness, the skeeters came out in force.  Mind you, I had moved the Thermacell lantern so that it was directly under my chair, and my wife commented that the bugs seemed to be really bad tonight.  Funny how she just now noticed this.  I had been getting eaten up just 20' away all evening.  Laura (my wife) ended up not being able to take it and took the kids to the camper.  Steve O. called me about a 1/2 hour later to fill me in on something, and I told him about what I had noticed that evening.

I can honestly say that my Termacell lantern is in the trash, and I will be purchasing a Termacell handheld device this next weekend.

I don't think you can get a better real world comparison than that.
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Re: Thermacell lantern update...Traded in for a handheld device
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2011, 07:10:00 PM »
Very interesting observation. I had been thinking of getting a lantern for the back porch. I have an extra handheld that may just come into play instead.

Thanks for the review
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Re: Thermacell lantern update...Traded in for a handheld device
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2011, 07:12:00 PM »
We use my hand held everynight on the porch.
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Re: Thermacell lantern update...Traded in for a handheld device
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2011, 08:43:00 PM »
I have both as well and my test results mirror yours.

Offline Doc Nock

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Re: Thermacell lantern update...Traded in for a handheld device
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2011, 08:46:00 PM »
Bummer. Such a great original product to hear that they failed to make the grade with the home-base unit!  :(
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Re: Thermacell lantern update...Traded in for a handheld device
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2011, 08:54:00 PM »
Mike, that was sneaky    :D .  Good test though.  As soon as I saw the lantern, I figured bigger HAD to be better and was surprised to see all the negatives in your first thread.  No doubt about it last night.

We did get power back about 5 this morning.  36 hours ithout power in the woods is a blessing, 36 hours. Without power at home is stressful.

We sure enjoyed the dinner and time with your family.  You did not mention the menu...those St. Jude ribs you cooked up were awesome.  We also had grilled pork tenderloin, cheezy potatoes, baked beans, corn cooked on the coals, and a Dutch Oven cherry peach cobbler...mmmmmmm!

Offline Mike Vines

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Re: Thermacell lantern update...Traded in for a handheld device
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2011, 09:27:00 PM »
Originally posted by Steve O:
  You did not mention the menu...those St. Jude ribs you cooked up were awesome.  We also had grilled pork tenderloin, cheezy potatoes, baked beans, corn cooked on the coals, and a Dutch Oven cherry peach cobbler...mmmmmmm!
I was affraid to mention it Steve for the simple fact that I didn't want to rub it in.  It sure was a great evening, well except the lantern thing.  Tenderloins were cooked to perfection, and the cobbler was so much better than mine.  You are welcome in our camp anytime.

Here is a pic of the dinner prep.  The St. Jude style ribs are over the fire, and then a different type of ribs are in the dutch oven.  What's not in the picture is Steve cooking up the tenderloins, and dutch oven cobbler.  They didn't make it, because the tactic used are still classified and have yet to be released to the general public for consumption.  

I however watched the whole process and just might be bought off.  On second thought, I will probably keep them for our enjoyment for now.  But at the next cookout, I will try to make your cobbler.  

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Re: Thermacell lantern update...Traded in for a handheld device
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2011, 10:01:00 AM »
I bought one of their big lanterns. Used it once and took it back. Ignitor didn't work either. JUNK.

Now, that said, I replaced it with one of their "mini-lanterns" and they work great. Just as good as the handheld.

I use the handheld more than any of them, but when we stay out back or on the deck for extended periods, I have three mini's now for various locations.

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Re: Thermacell lantern update...Traded in for a handheld device
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2011, 12:14:00 PM »
Yepper. That little mini lantern is just as effective as the handheld. Of course, you get very little light from it but it does keep the skeets at bay.

Online Terry Green

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Re: Thermacell lantern update...Traded in for a handheld device
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2011, 01:29:00 PM »
Sounds like somebody got a dude.....I bought one a long time ago hat was adjustable. ..low to high.....it smoked like a smokestack and worked like a charm on high or low.
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Offline Mike Vines

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Re: Thermacell lantern update...Traded in for a handheld device
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2011, 02:34:00 PM »
Didn't have the option of high or low.  Just on or off.
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Re: Thermacell lantern update...Traded in for a handheld device
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2011, 06:31:00 PM »
Mike.....must be a different model.
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Offline Mike Vines

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Re: Thermacell lantern update...Traded in for a handheld device
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2011, 07:34:00 PM »
I took it back to Bass Pro tonight, and swapped it out for the brown handheld model.  It was $19.99, the green one was $23.99, and the camo model was $29.99.  Of course I opted for the cheaper one.  I don't see the reason it would be cheaper, but I guess I will find out.

As for the lantern, I asked one of the managers about different sized lanters, and he told me that the smaller lantern is a great product.  The larger one gets returned quite often and exchanged for the handheld model.  

Thanks for tagging along with me on this one guys.

I understand if you have to move this to the Review section Terry, I just thought everyone should hear the results of my test, and decide for themselves.
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Re: Thermacell lantern update...Traded in for a handheld device
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2011, 07:54:00 PM »
A buddy had a hand held that didn't heat up right...dud. He sent it I. And they replaced it no ? asked

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Re: Thermacell lantern update...Traded in for a handheld device
« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2011, 02:44:00 AM »
A thing to remember about firing up the handheld one is that you have to click AND hold down the ignite button. Otherwise it will just keep clicking and won't light.

The hand held unit is amazing.
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Offline Ray Hammond

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Re: Thermacell lantern update...Traded in for a handheld device
« Reply #15 on: July 06, 2011, 07:54:00 AM »
Even the handheld units are variable. I have two that are real smokers- they burn really hot...and I don't let them out of my sight.

Sometimes they just don't get it done...I sent them back till I got the ones I wanted.

The lanterns work the same way. It's still the greatest invention since sliced bread.
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Offline Mike Vines

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Re: Thermacell lantern update...Traded in for a handheld device
« Reply #16 on: July 06, 2011, 09:13:00 PM »
I'm pleased to report that I am out on my deck that is literally on the edge of an 80 acre swamp as I type this.  I have my new brown handheld thermacell smoking away, and there isn't a bug in sight.  I was in the front yard getting eaten alive, so decided to break out the new one and see how it works.  Well, it works great.  Smoke is billowing out of it, unlike the lantern.  I couldn't be more pleased.  

Now I have a reason to set up the movie projector on the deck and sit outside and watch movies with the family.

I'm now a full convert.  Thanks for following along in my saga.
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Re: Thermacell lantern update...Traded in for a handheld device
« Reply #17 on: July 07, 2011, 09:15:00 AM »
Thanks for the test Mike.
I used a lantern on July 4th last year. Just like you, I kept moving it closer and closer until it was right under my chair. Mosquitoes still buzzing and biting like crazy.  Thought maybe it was a fluke.

At Ray Hammonds we stopped in the swamp because we were getting  eaten alive. Started the hand held unit and in seconds there were no bugs! Thought it was the best thing ever.  

I'll give the lantern a few more test runs and see if it is still "less than quality"..

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Re: Thermacell lantern update...Traded in for a handheld device
« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2011, 01:32:00 PM »
Took advantage of a thermacell 'deal' last year.  Buy a new lantern and receive another one free from Thermacell.  Good deal.  Unfortunately they didn't compare to the old patio thermacell nor the hand helds.  Sent them an email suggesting they continue to make bug repellent devices and don't bother with lanterns.
TGMM Family of the Bow

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