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Author Topic: Fixed focus binocular??????  (Read 920 times)

Offline Mike Vines

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Fixed focus binocular??????
« on: July 06, 2011, 09:52:00 AM »
I'm thinking of buying a pair of the Steiner military/marine fixed focus binoculars and would like to hear your real world experiences with them, and only them.  I know there are plenty of binoculars out there, but I'm leaning towards these for a couple reasons, but just have never had anything that is fixed focus.  

Inside Bass Pro last night, they worked great, but what about Michigan woods and South Carolina swamps?

Thanks in advance guys,

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Offline Rob W.

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Re: Fixed focus binocular??????
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2011, 10:54:00 AM »
I have used fixed focus for about 5 years without a complaint. Works great for anything in Indiana.
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Re: Fixed focus binocular??????
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2011, 11:10:00 AM »
Like Rob W. I also havea pair that work just fine. No problems.

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Re: Fixed focus binocular??????
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2011, 11:12:00 AM »
They work great until you need cheaters when you age. Then they will be either in focus close range or longer distances.

I had a pair of Zeiss 8 X 30's that where fantastic, until someone gave me these old man eyes!

Online Ryan Rothhaar

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Re: Fixed focus binocular??????
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2011, 11:38:00 AM »
I have a pair of German bino's made by "Dienstglas" that are twins to Steiner's 8X military glasses.  I used them a couple years, but I did not like the fixed focus from the point of view that I find I do a lot of glassing to pick game out of brush and the limited focus field of adjustable glasses help you do this as you can focus back and forth to keep everything from "blending in together" if you see what I mean.  Kind of like picking apart the cover in layers by using the focus, if that makes sense.  My wife has those binos in her office now and she likes them since she can check on the livestock or deer behind the pastures and doesn't have to focus.  For hunting, though, no good for me.  Keep in mind, though, I'm picky about binoculars and your mileage may vary.


Offline Whip

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Re: Fixed focus binocular??????
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2011, 01:48:00 PM »
I don't have any experience with them for the exact reason that Ryan just gave.  The ability to focus in and out at various distances is important to me in many up close situations.  It's amazing how an animal that is screened by brush can jump right out at you when you are able to blur out the cover in between you.

In more open situations they might just work very well for you.
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Re: Fixed focus binocular??????
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2011, 02:13:00 PM »
Going along with Ryan and Whip, I used to sell optics and I spoke with an eye doctor on fixed focus binos. He explained to me that since the bino does not do the work the eyes have to do the constant focusing and this puts a strain on the optic nerve. Thus, any lengthy glassing could cause slight headaches. As always, like Ryan stated, your mileage may vary.
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Offline Mike Vines

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Re: Fixed focus binocular??????
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2011, 02:36:00 PM »
this is the reason I ask these questions.  You all make very valid points.  I will continue my search, but these are still on the list.

I used to have a pair that had a paddle to focus instead of the dial.  I really like those for the simple fact that you could glass and focus with one hand.  I just cant find them anymore, and I do not remember what the name brand of them was either.
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Offline Gary Logsdon

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Re: Fixed focus binocular??????
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2011, 02:56:00 PM »
I see the points just made concerning the limitations of the "fixed focus" bino, valid points under the conditions pointed out, however, I have found that, FOR ME, the fixed focus binos work better than anything else I've ever owned or used "on loan" from a hunting buddy. And I have tried everything from inexpensive Vortex compacts to Swarovski 10X42s.

I have been using a pair of fixed focus 8X30 Steiner Predator Pros for about 5 years now for all of my deer hunting here in the East. I not only use them from a treestand but constantly pull them to my face while slipping through the woods, and I do a lot of still hunting.  My binos design allows quick, one handed use. My bow remains at the ready in my right hand while I'm free to raise the binos to my eyes with my left hand (I'm a southpaw).

I don't have to "fiddle" with focusing as that's pre-set according to my needs where I hunt. I stop often, take a more detailed look, and then slip ahead.  The rubber coated Steiners are reasonably light, compact, and balanced, plus are extremely quiet; I never worry about them giving me away by bumping into or sliding across something.

Finally, I always wear eyeglasses while hunting, and TRIFOCALS at that, which presents lots of little challenges.  I require a great deal of "eye relief" and most binoculars I've used, including the most expensive brands, fall short in that dept.  My Steiners "eye relief" is a generous 20mm which enables me to see a full field of view.  Anything under 20mm just doesn't cut it for me.

Like a said, I have some physical limitations when it comes to bino usage and my Steiners are the best FOR ME, while hunting in tight places.  When I hunt the west they worked well enough, but I could see the advantages of a more powerful setup under those conditions.  Just my two cents worth!

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Gary Logsdon

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Re: Fixed focus binocular??????
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2011, 06:47:00 PM »
Mike, I have used a pair of Steiner 8x30's for about 10 yrs. Like Gary, I also wear glasses (bifocals). Mine have served and held up well. I don't think there are many other glasses of Steiner quality and light weight for anywhere near their price range. The only drawback to me is their inability to focus at less than 25 yds. Not normally a big deal, but still a drawback.I find all of the good points Gary mentioned to be true for me too. I like them well enough that if I needed binocs, I would buy them again.


Offline Hopewell Tom

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Re: Fixed focus binocular??????
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2011, 06:53:00 PM »
I have the Steiner Military/Marine in 6x30 and 7x50. Outstanding glass, clarity is not a problem. The 6x's are for around here in Nova Scotia, where cover is fairly thick and I want a lighter bino. I got the 7x50's for a Caribou hunt in the early 1990's and the more open country of Newfoundland. The extra power and size were better in that setting.
I wonder about a different focusing system, but each year appreciate the "good to go" aspect of the fixed focus. There can be some little fiddlings, but mostly just up and look. One of the "paddle" type is Tasco, a pair of which I just inherited from my Dad. I find I don't like fooling with the focus each time. I'm very happy with the ones I have, but the 8x30's might be a better allround glass. Those little 6x30's are sweet though...

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Re: Fixed focus binocular??????
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2011, 10:36:00 PM »
Mike Vines, I still have a pr. of paddle focus. Mine are Bushnell, 8x30, "sportview compact", the paddle is called Insta Focus. I like em, pretty good for a cheep pr. Hope this helps ya.
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Re: Fixed focus binocular??????
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2011, 11:04:00 PM »
Been using the Steiner 9X40 (hunting model)for the last 15 years.The 8X30 marine before them. Before bifocals they were great and with them work just fine for me.Excellent field of veiw and clarity.Wearing them for 60+ days a year over that time span they have stood up well.

 Fixed focus is not for everyone. Takes a while to get used to. My hunting buddies don't care for them.

My only concern with the new models is they are priced half of what I paid for my pair.

Offline portugeejn

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Re: Fixed focus binocular??????
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2011, 12:10:00 AM »
The only binocular I have owned with the "paddle" focus rather than the wheel, was a pair of 10 x 50 Bushnell-they worked really well, but were very heavy.  There may be more out there with the paddle focus, but those are the only ones I am aware of.


Offline Gary Logsdon

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Re: Fixed focus binocular??????
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2011, 12:52:00 AM »
One thing I forgot to mention.  I have a "sweet spot" that gives me the quickest, fullest, and clearest field of view with my tri-focals.  I push the binos against the top-most portion of my eyeglasses (distance area), near the top of my lenses.  With the Predators pre-set I can get a quick look ahead using one hand.
Gary Logsdon

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Re: Fixed focus binocular??????
« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2011, 08:18:00 AM »
Like I stated earlier I do have a fixed focus pair of Binos and like them but I don't use them while hunting. My favorite pair is an inexpensive older pair of binos from Sears. These are 7-15x35 made for birders. They pretty much stay on 7x but have a fat paddle zoomer which allows for quick spot checks.

I never use the higher magnifications because of poor focus. Pretty much 10x the most.

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