If you are going to make some yourself, leave a long thin tab on the heel end that will go up the back of your boot. Then just use same thing to wrap around to the front that you use to hold the sole on with. If I was going to make a pair and now that the pic is clear in my head, I just might,lol. I would use 2 layers of thick feltand leave the tab on the bottom one. Then sew some elastic waistband type material in between them and sew some velcro material to them where the ends meet together over the laces of the boot. That way if the felt gets caught and sticks it wouldn't take much pressure to alert you to the fact that you are caught up and could fix it before you go from stalking mt.lion to bull in china shop,lol. Hope that the explanation is clearer than mud. I apologize if not. Thanks, Mike.
BTW good idea.