I spent a couple of days with some dog hunters in this state a while back. There was very little running through the woods with the dogs. All had electronic collars on their dogs and trailed them from their trucks. When the dogs treed a bear, a few folks would go in to see if it was one they wanted to shoot. In Wisconsin, the limit is 6 dogs on the trail at once. Usually, a dozen or more would be put on a trail. They spent an awful lot of time chasing down lost dogs. Dogs seemed to be barking all the time, in the woods, from kennels in the trucks, etc. Pure pandemonium. Don't know if this is the way others do it. Just know it's not my cup of tea.
One other big difference between the two is when you hunt. Dog hunters are up well before daylight, checking if their baits were hit. Usually, they're done hunting by noon, when the temps often get too hot . (They've already run all their dogs by then as well). With bait hunting, baiters often freshen the baits in mid-morning and don't start sitting them until late afternoon. At least that's the way most do it around here. For what it's worth.