Donald -- Shrews, Brackenburys and Morrisons are the bows I have the most of. And I have all those in both recurves and longbows. I definitely want to get together to shoot and hunt. Say hello to Kimber from me. Thanks for your encouragement.
This is going to be a sweet, low poundage bow that looks really good. I helped Daryl pick out the materials for his St. Jude bow, so of course I like the combination. He has an issue with tingling fingers, so the longer 58" bow feels better to him due to less finger pressure. I don't have that issue and like a shorter bow, so a 56" is a better choice for me, Daryl says he likes the 58" CH better. For him there is an advantage, which is good. Things worked out well for everyone. The 58" CH is a special purpose bow. It might also be better for people with really long draw lengths, like 31"+, although BobW has a 32"+ draw and says his 56" CH does not stack at his full draw length. Still, he hasn't tried the 58" CH!