I've been waiting a while, biding my time if you will, to order a custom bow. I've been transitioning away from the compound for several years. The compound and my need to learn the ins and outs taught me a great deal and I have been able to tweak the system to suit my shooting style. But something about the simplicity of just an arrow and a wooden bow has caused me to take a closer look at my form as I never did with the compound. My transition from compound shooting with sights, to shooting trad instinctive has really deepened the whole shooting experience and the way that I feel about shooting. It has gotten to the point with the compound where practicing was a no brainer, put the pin on the spot, squeeze the trigger, watch the arrow hit the spot. Mechanical.
Now I am using more of my brain to consider my form as I haven't in a while. At the same time I am really getting deep into the feel of the bow in my hand, my fingers on the string, the arrow between my fingers, the push of the bow hand forward and the clean slip of the string from my fingers while focusing hard on the spot. And once I put my hands on the Whip the first time at Toelke's? Well, I knew that this was the custom bow that was to be mine. MTB. And Dan and Jared came through with a beautiful bow that has improved my accuracy in just a few shots. But I am not saying anything that hasn't been said before.
Just finished a long weekend of work and I have two days off to do some Whip-in'. 'sgonna be sa-weet to say the least.
Glad you like the pics, but there just isn't a camera made that can do her justice.
Peace to all my bow bruddahs and sistahs. Some of the best people on earth are trad shooters.
uh, have you seen my new Whip?