Well, well, seems like people around here know what they're talking about. :D
Haven't been at this long, but have worked pretty hard, read some books, and made progress. Lately it's been a battle and I was almost going backwards. The bow I've been shooting for 8 months I never liked the grip from day one. It just didn't fit and I kept trying to make it consistent. It has never been comfortable and neither has my shooting.
So, waiting on one of Bill's fancy creations, I was looking for something old and fun to shoot or something I could maybe share with my brother, and Blackhawk offers for sale a 1967 58" 48@28 Kodiak Hunter (green glass). Got it this afternoon (thanks Lon for the great condition, shipping, and string), and I AM DANG WELL BLOWN AWAY.
I shot better in the near dark, without fiddling with bh, arrows, nock, or practicing, than I have just about ever shot in a hundred sessions with my R&D longbow. I tried fast, slow, cant, no cant, and different positions, and the arrow just felt like it was seeking the center of the target. Oh, and for a 45 year old bow, it thumps the target.
I know my form needs work, but this really showed me what a difference a grip can make. This grip is agressive (high wrist? and may be uncomfortable to some), but it absolutely forces consistency.
Know it's a long post, but this has got me seeing bloodtrails instead of doubt. I can tell I'm gonna have a lot of fun with this bow. My last group of the night: