Originally posted by Friend:
...The decline of morality, ethics and just general courtesy has become the demise of many of society throughout history...
The above statement was intended to encompasse a vastly larger spectrum and not isolate that 'lack of courtesy' was the cause for society decline. 'Lack of Courtesy' is merely an indicator. Significant declines in morality and ethics will demonstrate a much more significant degradation to society and of themselves are not the total reason for decline. For there are many facets which contribute to a societies decline.
If we say that the ruling class is the cause for success or demise, then we have condemned ourselves as being powerless, having no impact and just can not make a difference. Are we slaves? Even slaves can and have made a difference. The ruling class could be one of the catalyst, but we ourselves have the power to decide and demonstrate by example and make a difference. We must refuse to render ourselves helpless and at the mercy of others for we were given the gifts of conscious, thought, freedom of choice, love and a road that leads to peace of mind and far more. We can make a difference.
I sincerely apologise for submitting something that could easily be misinterpretted, wrongly communicated or opened the field for misperception- for perception is everything.