Charlie had many patterns, mostly flowered burlap patterns, all labeled Wilson Brothers, Springfield Mo. These guys were creative in their archery building, making something different from the normal. The Wilson Brothers Black Widow Bows today are worth many more times than the original sale price. They made numerous models over the years, many here on tradgang have these bows, and their favorite models. Charlie looked over a large portion of my collection, mostly left handed. He commented how much the brothers disliked making left hand bows, they felt that right handed was the correct way to shoot? Charlie was handed the keys to the company in 1976 from the retiring Wilson Brothers. They had been overran by the modern archery revolution, the outlook was bleek for traditional archery. Charlie was unable to assume permanent ownership of Black Widow due to a divorce, which he felt would dissolve the company. In order to keep the production going, Charlie passed the company along to his nephew, Billy Ray Richards, now of Billings Mo. I now have the pleasure of taking Charlie on his first trip to modern day Black Widow Custom Bows, maybe he can get those country boys a snappin'. He did run the plant for 2 decades. Charlie has never made the trip to Nixa. This will be fun, more pictures to come of that visit. Thanks for your interest. Mike