i have recently been struggling with shooting form and with 2 small corrections i am very comfortable and confident now in a hunting situation under 20 yards. i will have a dozen stands and ground blinds out on my favorite mountain with a HUGE mast crop of beech. things are looking GREAT!!! heart is starting to beat a little faster just thinking about being up there on opening day. picture it if you will. a few song dogs sing to you in the dark, your hair rise's on your neck untill all is quiet. braking light all is still. birds start to sind and you hear the patter of little feet in the leaves as the squrriells start to forage. a twig brakes, then again. now the unmistakeable sound of a animal slowly making its way to your stand. light glints off antler, a big body to follow. before you know it a 10 point has closed to 15 yeards and is broad side eating beech nuts in front of you!!! can ya feel it??????? its allmost time!!!!!