In this difficult modern world of limited time, tight schedules, rush hour traffic, and limited hunting and shooting areas, there are a lot of us who are too busy to spend hours and hours fighting to make someone else's definition of "traditional" work. Take a look at the posts on this site, and consider all the guys who are lost, who can't group arrows worth a hoot, and can't take a shot over 15 yards without being irresponsible. Inconsistent or poor form, and the unpredictability of hunting situations makes it that much harder to use equipment that is unforgiving... yet some do it just for the sake of someone else's idealogy.
I've had the advantage of having a dad who was meticulous and scientific about form and release, and passed that on to his boys. I didn't have to learn by trial and error, yet I still have trouble because archery is a demanding sport. I often wonder if there aren't a lot of us who have learned to find satisfaction in other aspects of the sport (I.e., the great outdoors, the graceful arc of the arrow, trying to dress up like Fred Bear, etc.)... because we MISS what we're shooting at so often!
If we had to use these bows to put meat on the table, most of us would be skinny. And upon learning that an elevated release is more conducive to consistent arrow flight, we'd not be so idealogical about it.