I have to Admit that I Am Surprised by the High Percentage of Folks that leave their Bows Strung
ALL the Time! My Glass backed, and Such Bows stay Strung, but None of My
ALL Wood Lamination Longbows Stay Strung! Call Me Chicken I guess. :rolleyes:
My Montana LongBow goes either way, depending on How My Shooting Regimine Requires it to be strung. Its Usually Strung with the Quiver of Arrows hanging next to it right inside My backdoor! Thats My Range: The Back Yard! I know the Risk of Damage of
BOTH!! Twisted Limbs are
NOT Cool, Nor is String Follow. The Only Adverse Effect I have experienced is a Stretching, Not Much just a Little, of My Flemish Twist Strings. Which usually, Once Corrected, will Generally Stay Put.