For information purposes only, because each has his/her preference.
For general sharpening, I like an India stone in about 320 grit and then go to a medium/soft Arkansas stone. Both are available in rather large sizes. Mine are 3 X 12 X 1 inch thick. Mine are full size and first runs. I have medium soft, white transluscent, and black surgical, but dont use the last two except on small hunters and capers. I check the guys who quarry and lap the natural stones. Sometimes they have "seconds" that are much more reasonable and they are still great stones. I believe the natural stones are getting rare and the synthetics will eventually replace them. The synthetics are very good too.
Sometimes a hunting knife or broadhead does need the angle reset and you just cant beat the KME for that. If Ron can start offering larger stones, they will be good ones and his service is the absolute best.
A clean stone cuts better and always get a burr before dropping on down to the next stone.