I bought a Lost Creek LB from another TradGanger and was absolutely amazed how fast the bow was. Strung it up a couple of evenings ago and heard a distinct "creaking" nose as i approached full draw. I'm drawing the bow about 1/2" beyond its design draw and was VERY concerned. Couldn't find any kind of separation, even with a magnifying glass.I sent an e-mail to Lost Creek Bows asking if I should be concerned. Got a phone call from Chad Francis who told me what to look for and if I didn't see it, to go ahead and keep shooting it. Said it was definitely at the max draw, but should handle it fine. After doing some more homework (which I should have done first) I realized I'd added a rubber limb tip protector on the bottom limb. Took it off and the problem went away. Now here's a bowyer who went to the trouble to call a guy who wasn't even a customer (not directly anyway). 3 guess who I will be talking to if I scrape up enough to buy a new one. Thanks again Chad