Seems like carbon is easier for a newer guy like me to master, tune, and get a consistent set.
I have 3 small kids and am looking forward to having more time to master fletching (I'm not good), tapering, straightening, spining, cresting, and all that goes into wood arrows.
I disagree that wood (or at least POC) is as durable as carbon. I broke 2 arrows and from slapping arrows ripped into a third shooting POC. I've shot carbon at least 5x more and have broken 1 arrow.
But wood is cool, smells good when it breaks, and flies well, it's just not as manufactured and IMHO takes more time and effort.
On weight, you can get a decent range of weight in wood, but usually have to go up in diameter (bigger than carbon). But the best way to get weight is to stick a big 200-300 grain head on.
I'm new like you and these are just a few things I've figured out, but playing around with the arrows is half the fun.
Magnus is a custom wood arrow maker on here, and he might be able to help you if you are looking for something specific.