After a family emergency which pulled my wife to North Carolia for the week my duties of playing Mr. Mom ended on Sat and I was able to give my stand one last sit prior to pulling it and the camera on this bean field.
This is the last pic of the buck we now call "Morris" (after the 9-lives cat). Pic was taken as he stood in front of me at 15 paces.
You prob can not see it since the pic has been conpressed, but against the tree line on the rt side of the pic is a 20" wide 10pt that was running w/ this deer that I was actually hunting.
I hunted this stand last nt in hopes of spying him, but much to my supprise I saw an even better site! An absolute BRUTE of an 8-point that I have had pics of the last couple years. I'm now excited to move my cams and get going on this buck. Largest buck I've seen in a few years!
Stay tuned!
Do you think we need to shoot more does? Gonna try to take 15 or so this year off this farm.