Has anyone used hide glue to make a bow ? Reason I'm asking is a few years back I was fortunate to have been selected by Master Bowyer Kennym to have a bow build along . I'm a mason with club hands but Kenny walked (crawled) me through it and I made a very respectable bow . I have since developed a hairline separation in the riser ( it's a 3 piece)When I string the bow you can see a sliver of daylight and when unstrung it's tight . I am reluctant to try and use an epoxy on it as I don't think it will fill the void completely . I used some hide glue on my basement stairs and it ran like water through the cracks and when it dried I couldn't get it off the steps . Now what I'm thinking is to string the bow , use a syringe to fill gap with hide glue and then unstring it and put a few clamps on it . When it dries I can file off excess and refinish riser .I really don't want to screw it up . Any help would be appreciated , thanks , Fred