Went out tuesday am. No takers on all morning, four stands. Played with the fuzzies for a while. Was walking to my first pm stand , walking along the side of some cherries . Looked down the row and something is laying in the open looks like a small log. It moved . Sleeping coyote maybe 80 yards down the row. I get in the row to the left of it and start a sneek. Goes great I get within 20 yards of him . Im still in the other row but I have a good shot at him . I know I can make this shot ,just behind his shoulders dead center .Easy 20 yard shot.I draw back And another coyote steps into the row Im in from my left and its only ten yards from me. We make eye contack ,it just stands there. I slowly move the bow twords it . All the while it just staring at me not moving and the other one is still askeep. I let the arrow go maybe it slipped I do not know realy what happend but the arrow went just a half inch over the coyote head right between its ears. Both coyotes jump up and take off . I get on one knee and can see two realy confused coyotes running back and forth in the orchard. I should of been looking at its chst not its eyes , the eyes will get to me every time. I snuck out of there. I think I have a good chance on calling these two later. Made three more stands second to the last Had one hang up at about seventy yards. He walked away so may have another chance at him later. Seen lots of quail yesterday also all over the place. Felt good to be out.