A '62 was my first bow in '62. A 48# bow it shot really great. Used to shoot short 26.5-inch size 1816 24srt aluminums with nibs and three inch feathers which were just longer than my 25.5 to 26 inch draw length at that time. They flew out of that bow hard and seem to flatline to short targets. When I switched from woodies to those short target arrows, I shot over all the targets.
It was retired except for hunting in January 1963 when I bought a new Tamerlane for field archery. That magnum was a fantastic hunting bow which went up a lot of old black jack oaks, sycamores, and persimmons trees with no problems. However, those two bows were good for their time, but I like longer bows than the Magnum and less wood and weight than the Tamerlane now.