So, I've been thinking I need to do some working out to get a better handle on my drawing strength. I have no trouble shooting when I first start out, but after 30-40 arrows I start to feel the strain, and my shooting suffers...and even at my best, the draw is not effortless.
I've tried using dumbbell workouts, and while it felt like I was working the right muscles, it didn't seem to help much when actually shooting. I don't like just pulling my bow as I'm kind of paranoid about accidentally dry firing it. So I've been thinking of getting a bowfit.
From reading the reviews on 3rivers, the bowfit seems to be a love it or hate it device. Some people say it's crap, other people say it's awesome. So, who's used it? How durable is it? Are the weights accurate? Does it really work?
Thanks for any advice.