I just picked up a 15" Sky ILF riser. I just got it in the mail this morning along with a set of Kap Windstorm carbon limbs. First impressions were very good. The Sky riser was very comfortable and sleek looking. The rubber grip was very comfortable, like a low locator style grip. The limbs looked pretty good too, except they were shiny silver in color. They are longs #46 on 25" riser. On my bow scale they measured #61 @ 29.5 on the sky 15" riser
I put a Das shorty plunger and T300 flipper rest on it. Set a nock point and tied on a couple of cat whiskers and took it out to shoot it. All you guys shooting metal risers with flippers and plungers are SPOILED. The extreme center shot and ability to tune the arrow rest makes shaft selection almost too easy. I had this thing shooting perfect holes in paper in less than a half hour. A 600gr weighted gold tip. I didn't get a chance to run it over the chronograph but it was plenty zippy. By looking at it I would say its runny a tad bit faster than my dryad limbs that shoot the same arrow 184fps.
It was a touch noisy but after a little fine tuning, a second set of whiskers, and some loop side velcro under the string where it slaps the limbs, it quieted right down. I even stuck a few of those little black mushrooms, limbsaver, onto the riser near the limb pockets. I had gotten a set of the mini's instead of normal size on accident. Still not as quiet as some of my longbows but respectable.
I couldn't live with the bright silver limbs so I did a quick and ugly camo paint job on it.
I was always against metal riser bows. Never liked the looks of them and didn't understand why anyone would want to use one. It wasn't until I got bit by the ILF bug that I even considered one. Now that I have I can start to see the appeal. Their still ugly but unbelievably easy to tune and actually shoot quite well. One of the most attractive things about this bow to me is the fact that I wouldn't have to worry about beating it up or getting it wet. I might even try some vanes out of it and if they shoot good enough make up a set of rainy day arrows.