Okay so I just switched from compound to traditional and here is my advice.
Start light. I was shooting 60-70 lb compound and got a 50 lb Samick Sage. It is not really too much, I can shoot 100 shots easily now, but I had to break into it. I didn't realize how much I would get into traditional archery. I only bought my Samick Sage 2 months ago and I just bought a Bear Kodiak Magnum and I'm building a board bow.
Get a 40-45 pound Samick Sage and some carbon arrows, or try and find some cheap or free aluminums, so if you lose or break them you won't be out a whole lot of money. Look up the Stu Miller calculator once you've picked out your bow and figure out an arrow set up that will work for you.
Get affordable carbon arrows. Big Jim's, a sponsor of this site, has good deals including blemished arrows for reasonable prices and I think he will even cut them and glue tips for free.
http://www.shop.bigjimsbowcompany.com/Arrow-Shafts_c21.htm Get a Bitzenburger fletching jig so you can glue your own fletching on if you don't have one already. I got mine for 33$ at an online auction site.
Shoot the heck out of your affordable Samick, it's a great bow! I love mine, it was a great value. I don't like cheap stuff, this bow is made well for the money. But like anything, getting into traditional archery involves more than just the purchase of the bow. Arrows, glove, strings, etc cost money.
Once you get into it though you will find you can make your own stuff and keep costs down.
For example I made a string jig with a piece of scrap 2x4 and some nails I had sitting around. I bought 20$ worth of b50 and I won't ever buy strings again and my grandkids will probably inherit the rolls!(I'm only 26 and have no kids)
I've been collecting turkey feathers and will soon be making my own feathers with the jig I'm making, and will be trying my hand at arrow making this winter.
If you're handy and savvy this can be a thrifty and time consuming hobby and you'll learn lots of stuff.
Versus taking your compound bow to the bowtech and paying him to do stuff to your space bow and having to buy all new stuff all the time.