I own two salukis (a Damascus and a Scythian) and most of these bows will draw to or in excess of 30 inches. I shoot three under and suffer no appreciable finger pinch. I've never owned two competing bows of the same draw weight to do an accurate speed comparison but it sure does seem fast to me (not like that matters much to me). For me the grip style makes the most difference in my shooting enjoyment. These are great bows, both to shoot and look at as they are distinct and unique not only from all other bows but from each other as well. NightWing, have you had the opportunity to attempt to draw a Saluki yet? I've seen a guy draw a 60" Ibex to 32 measured inches and report no finger pinch. One last thing, without exception, everyone I've ever let shoot it (including 3 in the last month or so) ask one simply question...."What do you want for it?" They are that nice and that much fun.