Rattled in a 120" 9-point tonight. He wouldn't come in to bleating or grunting, but when I hit the antlers together it got his attention and he ran all the does in the field rt to me and he followed standing 15 yds from me for the next 10 min or so. If only he'd been the 130's buck I'm after. He'll be a great buck next season.
I personally haven't had much luck using a doe decoy. I have a redi doe, but have a 120" set of antlers that I put on her to make it a him. Seems the doe spooks off other does im my experience. Where the buck usually just gets their curiosity and they keep their distance. Dominant bucks 99% of the time will circle it and come it to it's face....where younger bucks will just stay behind him. When they work...there's nothing cooler!!!!