If you're having pain, see a Dr. If the Dx is tendonitis, or tennis elbow before you go eating high dose motrin the usual, see a chiropractor too. Trust me on the 2nd one.
I battled bow arm elbow pain for well over a year. I did the arm bands, and my Dr's favorite-Motring and hope, exercises, stretches, doing nothing etc. It would come and go, but soon as I started shooting, it would flare up big time.
It got so bad I couldnt do much of anything with that arm without pain. I ended up having surgery to clean out all the scar tissue. The tendonitis results in micro-tears in your common extensor tendon,which cause scar tissue.
Now, just after I had my surgery, my wifes' elbow flared up from tossing firewood. She happened to mention it to our chiropractor, and he adjusted her elbow. PRoblem solved. I wish I had done that long before mone got so bad.
I had the surgery this past spring, and Im 100% now, no pain, no nothing. My shooting had greatly improved since Im no longer flinching with the release.
Don't blow it off and wait, it will only get worse.