About the same for me tonight too. Too wet to take the beans off but the wind and sunshine the last few days have dried the leaves to a crisp crackly crunch. During good conditions this particular stand is 300 hundred yards from my parking spot, today I took the 1/2 mile treck on the north side of one of the bean field, nice soft dirt and I could dodge the leaf piles and get to about 70 yds from the stand nice and quiet. Squirrels were making some noise bouncing around as they do so I thought I could get to the stand w/o too much of a problem. They're starting to chase the does up here in North Central Oh 'cause I wasn't 30 yrds in the woods and here he comes down the trail 15 yrds from where my stand is to check out who is making that racket. we see each other at the same time me at the top of a ravine trying to be inconspicuous behind a 6" elm sapling,,we stare at each other for about 3 min or so and he trots off. Try again in the morning. BTW Mudd,,I ran into and old friend of yours a couple of months ago,,she says Hi,,,,,