Last night produced an exciting and successful Iowa buck hunt with one minor exception. Got into the woods about 3:30 and slowly made my way to a large oak with good cover around it to support a ground hunt. Started calling with the short chase grunts about every 15 minutes. Was not too long before I spied what looked like a tail dancing around. I grunted again and the tail went stiff. The animal slowly made its way from behind some brush to reveal a very large back. Then his head appeared from behind a tree. What a sight, twelve points. The buck started to head for the corn field (away from me) so I grunted one final time. That was enough to change his course towards me. He came within 10 yards. As his head passed behind a bush I brought my self-made Hill-style longbow up to drawing position. I selected the hair I wanted to aim for. I released with the arrow traveling right to the location I aimed for. A truely successful hunt. The exception? He must have spooked from my draw because just as I loosed the arrow, he bolted from where he had come. Guess you can't win them all. I will be out there again for sure, calling for this big boy to come back in.