Were did they go? This season started off great.
Oct. 22 - Seen two does and a four point
Oct. 23 - Rattled in a 8 and 4 point to about 30 yards until they winded me.
Moved stand closer to were I was seeing most of the deer come thru
Oct. 28 - Passed up a tall spike at 12 yards.
Oct. 29 - A 10, 8, and two 4 points came thru none close enough for shot but all with 60 yards
Oct. 30 - 6 does came in within 15 yards. First time on stand without see a buck.
Moved stand again to a better location.
Nov. 4 - Had a 10 point at 20 yards but there was not enough light to shoot. Seen a one horner about 70 yards out.
Nov. 5 - What a day!! Had four does pass by at first lite 2 on the right and 2 on the left. Seen the one horner again chasing a doe about 70 yards to the right. Was quiet for about twenty minute then the one horner and doe came in 30 yards behind me. Then a monster 8 point came in from the left and ran the one horner off. He then walked away with the doe. 10 minute later I seen two deer run thru the swamp on the left. I snort wheezed and they stopped. Then the one horner moving from my right to left worked his way to the swamp. The a deer let out a wheeze that made me jump in the tree stand. I seen him square up with the one horner. I rattled and he came in at about 20 yards, but directly behind me. This was an old deer well past his prime. He had half of a 6 point rack on one side and a tree truck with about 10 stickers on the other side. He milled around a bit then start walking off. I grunt twice and he came right in. I waited for him to go behind a tree before coming to full draw. As he came around the tree, he looked right up at me. His shoulder was still behind the tree at 12 yards. I was busted and he took off.
Nov. 6 - Had another monster 8 come by, but he staied just out of range at 32 yards. I seen the one horner and the old buck thru the trees 50 yards to the north.
So I was see a lot of deer and it looked like the rut was kicking in. On Nov. 7th the gun season started so I staied out of the woods until this week. I was pumped and took some vacation days as the temperature going to drop 20 degrees on Wedensday. Moon was good, temperature was good, and the rut was on. I was pumped, only to be let down hard. I have hunted dawn to dusk the last four days. I have only seen 1 does. I am baffled, did the gun hunters kill all the deer (i know better), did they make them all nocturnal (but the rut should get them moving), are they in lock-down (still should see some chasing), is the rut over? They are all the question I have been pondering all week.
Well thanks for listening to me wine.