yeah thats a lynx. It has golden mycarta in the riser vs black. I love the way it shoots! I have never shot so well. (by declaring that... I probably just jinxed myself)
So here's a side story....
The land owner we hunt on told me this year he didn't believe there were any really nice deer. He believed the last couple of winters had nocked out the older age classes. I took that to heart and really didn't do much recon this season.
My deer season was slow but came to good ending thanks to that good stand. My partner, on the other hand, was struggling to take a buck and also hadn't seen any dominant mature bucks.
Enter guy number three: He also has permission to hunt our slice of the river. However, he never crosses to the good side and honestly rarely hunts. Also there is a gentleman's agreement decreed by the landowner to hunt trad only.
Fast forward to last weekend.... With only a couple of days left in the season, Guy 3 calls my buddy and asks for help finding a buck. My partner(being the stellar guy he is) says "meet me there this afternoon with some waders and we'll hunt.
HE SHOWS UP WITH A COMPOUND. My buddy helps him with the river crossing and points him to one his best stands. Guy 3 wanders that direction and gets lost. He ends up finding my river edge stand (the one mentioned in my first post that lead me to this year's stand).
You guessed it... He has a 150 class buck walk under him. Luckily (for me
) He hits a sapling dead center and the deer lives! The buck runs down along the river and passes my buddy out of range. He confirmed it was massive!
Let me add some perspective. A 150 buck along our river is like a 190 buck in IL,IA,KS. It is a once in a lifetime archery buck!
I was sick for two reasons. 1) After that experience he will be spending alot more time poking around my thicket next year 2) What happened to fair chase trad only!!! Guy 3 is a sheriff's deputy and I'm not about to lecture him.