I am a TN Man thru and thru but I tell ya, we don't know how bad we got it here in TN compared to the Midwest !!! Don't believe me, go hunt a state like ILL, IA, OH, KY, etc, etc. We see more deer in a week there than 2-3 seasons in TN.
My son shot a doe today and her milk bag was full and it is DECEMBER ! We have hunted hard and seen little sign, no chasing, no response to rattling, etc, etc. We really do not have a rut to speak of most years here. Buck to doe ratios are still way out of whack. Throw in a total mast failure this year and it is tough hunting for sure.
We adjusted, left our normal spots that are acorn flats, and are hunting honeysuckle and any other green food sources like fairly new clearcuts. Every deer we have seen this year had solid green in their stomachs, no acorns. As others have advised you Matt.... Food> Does> BUCKS ! Good luck my friend we need all the luck we can get here.