I'm lucky enough to live 10 minutes away from a great trad shop, Black Dog Outfitters.
Today I swung in to have Ryan make me up a string for a longbow.
While there, I saw a mint 66" Bear Bearcat they just bought used from a customer. It's 66" 40lbs.
It has white glass limbs and I thought it'd make a great "snow bow" for once we get snow and I wear my snow camo. Plus it a great weight for cold sits.
It's also a super shooter.
The bow has the original "bristle" type rest on it. It's elevated, off the shelf.
My question is, since I want to hunt with this bow while sitting on the ground in a chair using a brush blind, I'd rather sit with the arrow on the shelf instead of the elevated bristle rest. I can just see that posing problems, with the arrow slapping up against the riser all the time. That's a no-no anytime and worse in cold weather.
Tom, the other owner there that would know if I can shoot off the shelf with that bow isn't there until Thursday.
I had Ryan put a "hold" on it for me for a couple days.
So anyhow, can you shoot off the shelf with a Bear Bearcat, since the factory rest is elevated? Any issue with noise and limbs not being in synch? The elevated bristle rest is about 1/2" above the shelf.
I'm not worried about "ruining" the original condition by taking off the original bristle rest. This will be a hunting bow for when there's snow, if I do buy it.
Thanks in advance.