LOL - yep, it's a heavey rascal - and the "clutches" put holes in my bald (shaved) head that I never realized, until John Dill pointed it out to me one time, returning from a Baltimore Shoot. They never bother me so I didn't know about them. Now I show them - proudly - LOL The funny part about your comment is I used to work part time at Ace Hardware.
The first pin I put on it was a SS arrowhead, on the front, center of the band. Then I put one (the same) on the similar hat that I gave to my late, great friend, Barb Dumas (Quiver Girl), and she wore it religiously.
All the other pins are special (to me) for one reason or another but are mostly game animals (including Dinosaurs), Archery, Marine Corps, and patriotic related, along with my fav four states (NH, ME, NC, & WV). A lot are ones given/sent to me - some from Far-away places (Canada, Malta, New Zeland) (Hard to find space to add any new ones now - LOL)
Perhaps someday, when it's "doffed" for the last time, someone will send it to TradGang for the Annual St. Jude auction - to raise some funds for the blessed children. That would be nice, I think.
Oh, it also has a "B", for my name, and a Rose pin, for my wife's name.
(edit) I can't believe I forgot to mention the beautiful and highly prized, little hand carved (elk antler) feather that ChortDraw carved for Barb Dumas, and then her man sent to me after she passed. It is tied to the side of the hatband. That is such an important part of "The Hat". There is also a pewter bear on a small piece of leather from a quiver that Mike of CA made for Barb (and sent me that piece of, after her passing). Barb loved bears and the bear is my totem and name sake.
Learned more than you ever wanted to know about "The Hat", didn't you, Butts2 - I wear it everywhere, except hunting -