I haven't tried decoying for birds in the fall, but it couldn't hurt to try and see. As far as the blind is concerned, if you're seeing them from the tree and deer are still, "on the menu", I'd stay above them TURKS.
In my limited fall turkey experience I have noticed that they are not as likely as a deer to look up at the stand.....I guess my thinking is "death from above"....LOL!
Just to share a recent turkey story with you and for an example I had 19 within 20 yards while I was up in a stand about a week ago.... Unfortunately for my being too lazy to bring the bow I only had a smokepole and watched the birds taunt me for about 45 minutes several times well within bow range, but alas NO BOW!!! I guess that's what I get for being a slacker.
Good luck and make sure to post a pic of that bird when you stick it. Hope to see you and the other folks from the 2011 SIDH soon, I miss all you guys and gals.