Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Different every time. I hope I never hit a rib at any poundage. No one can tell you that your broadhead WILL break through a rib. It MIGHT, but not definitely. If you are nervous about it, work your way up as much as you can.
I have seen a 50# recurve blow through a bison and skip across the snow on the other side for 50 yards. No bone hit. I have also seen a 64# recurve penetrate only 1/2 way into a small black bear . No bone hit. I've seen 70# hit a deer in the shoulder and fail. I've seen all kinds of good shots end up differently than expected.
Your poundage has been proven by some, and has failed by others. Poundage twice yours has been proven and failed also.
For big game, shoot as much weight as you can accurately.
Again, if its 54#, then shoot straight with a sharp head!