I agree with you regarding nock fit and arrows falling off strings. With all due respect to those with differing opinions, I think the whole thing about erratic speed and accuracy are a bit overblown (unless you really have to shove the arrows on the string, in which case we’re talking about extremes). I spent a lot of years shooting NFAA Barebow competitively. With very rare exceptions, everyone in that class string-walks, which necessitates a somewhat snug nock fit (since your hand isn’t touching the nock). If a snug nock fit caused such speed and accuracy inconsistencies, folks in that class would never be able to break 500 on a field round or pound out six-gold ends on the American round. Yet those things are the norm for those who win.
Personally, I like my nocks snug enough to not fall off with a light tap, yet loose enough to not be able to lift the bow by the arrow. For me it’s a nice middle ground and works well both on the target range and the hunting woods. And of course, I always make my strings fit the nocks; never the other way around.