Hi, to all my new "tradgang" friends. Although, I've been lurking for quite awhile, this is my first post....be gentle(LOL).
About me: I'm 59 and decided to try Trad archery again after a 25-30 yr. hiatus and before my shoulder completely goes. Right now, I'm shooting a Samick Sage @35 lbs. which seems to be working pretty well now with my torn rotater cuff(left).
Thats OK since I'm really only planning to shoot target, 3D, etc. not hunting. I'm not anti-hunting at all, I just probably don't have the patience. If I wanted to "upgrade", what would y'all suggest. $300-500 range. Should I think about a strictly "target bow"?Yuck! I've been reading about the "ILF" systems..makes sense. I could easily go with a longer bow, 62"-66". I'm not ready to buy now so I have plenty of time. Just trying to examine all sides of the issue.