Good story Dave. One of the advantages to helping others. How about bow pics?
In my case, proper downloads are still often a mystery. Not sure what I'm getting involved with. And, was just never sold on the idea of posting pix anyway. Add 3 download wrecks & I convinced myself pix weren't necessary at all. But, I was wrong. Pix WILL help your item sell. And, once you figure it out, you can help other folks post also.
Trick is finding a photo storage site easily managed especially w/o cloudy downloads. Lee Robinson, Keep It Simple Archery, helped w/mine. Took 5 minutes & I've been posting since w/o problems. BTW, my comp is older at 6 years. Maybe we could have a pic post thread describing the process at each site offered & why? Bet many folks are still pic shy having the same associated questions? Know they'd like to close the gap. Good thread.