Well gents..as i continued on my obsessive path of learning trad and tuning such beasts i have come to the conclusion that there's as much (if not more) to proper tuning of a trad bow as there is a compound...and in my never ending quest for optimum tuning of my trad bows i decided to revisit my Brace Heigth on both bows..as i understand it is like "The Place" to start..and with much thanks to great xperience given and shared by many and my local archery pro and the fact that after i took my best guess at things i was almost a full inch out of spec from what my bowyer recommended on my new Bushmen LongBow...so under the tutilage of others who know far more than i?..i proceeded with great anticipation and?..
Step1: Was to run to the crafts store and buy some yarn..cause as soon as i got home with it?..it was hello Mr Razor Blade and Goodbye Catwhiskers and good ridence..(more on that later)..
Step2: This was a little tricky at first cause i just wasnt quite sure how i was going to go about finding this elusive "Brace Heigth Sweet Spot"..so i started shooting right from ground zero..sans any string silencers so i could hear and feel what was going on with my bow..so from right where it was at i shot repeatedly summoning up all my spidey senses all the while listening intently and leaving all my fingers in a light full wrap of the grooved grip with about the same amount of pressure one might use to pick up someones pulse at their wrist..listening to the string noise and feeling for vibes from the bow and?..it really wasnt that hard! LOL!..and without string silencers on'er?..my bow sounded like a detuned bass violin..i then put 3 twists on the string bringing her to 6 3/4" and here's the weird part..soon as i restrung it and took a couple short "Seating Pulls"?..i could tell the first several inches of draw the limbs seemed..i dunno..less muddled..less confused..and i shot it like that just to see but knowing she wasnt there yet..better..and the string note cleaned up a bit..but not there..two more twists took her too a hair over 7"s..and wow..sweet..tried one more twist and?..oh yeah baby..7 1/4"s...drew clean from the very start..the sustain of vibes in the riser where cut down to about 1/3rd of what they were and she sounded like roy clarks banjo..and i knew that was it..i didnt dare go any further..and viola.
got so excited with the first 3 at 20yds i yanked the 4th..just so i'd have a place to rest my sans string silencers bow. LOL!
and now that optimum BH dimensions were established?..it was knit 1 pearl 2 time...
and yes...i found "Camo Yarn"..and i loved the way it blended with my string.
Now..after all this?..i hadta ask myself...."Self?..why in sams hill did you ever take your new longbows BH down that low in the first place?"...and amazingly?..i remembered..when i was tuning my arrows i wound up putting 145gr tips on my almost full length 30" GT3555's to bareshaft tune..and for some reason?..the bow picked up a noise..and i noticed that the catwhiskers the bowyer put on the string (that he made as well) that the whiskers were getting tangled..and i had no clue why but..tangled whiskers?..new noise?..i started fiddling with BH till she sounded better and quit tangling whiskers..and in hindsight?..i think the whiskers were just cut too long..but in the end?..it's a good thing..cause these yarn balls rock...about 10X's quieter than freaking cat whiskers and cost?..about .0000000001 cent.
Hope sharing that bad experience with a oh so happy ending helps save somebody else from my own lame ignorance! LOL!
Mr. Lee is gonna hafta wait till another day..i got black yarn for him..and i'm doing the mountain muffler serve the ends deal as well but straightening out one bow for today is enough and?..
L8R, Bill. :cool: